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Category: our world

It’s all out there . . .

[ Originally posted on Facebook 1 March 2019 ]

The world is not as we think it is.

We are not what we think we are.

Those that control us are not those who seem to.

There’s a reason why one-million-plus children disappear every year.

For those who open their minds and dig, the Truth really is out there.

And always has been . . .

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Above Majestic

[ Originally posted on Facebook 29 December 2018 ]

I’ve hesitated long before posting this.

Over recent months I’ve been reading and researching around many subjects—subjects that have interested me over many years (ever since somewhere in the early 1980s in fact, when Ed’s mother Nada slapped a book by Patrick Tilley entitled Mission on the table and said “here, read that—it might interest you . . . “)

Some of this reading has been within the academic mainstream, some within what many would consider the ‘pesudo-scientific’ or ‘conspiracy’ fringe.

And sure I’ve been selective: some paths have been followed, others not.

My inescapable conclusion from it all is that a) humanity has been systematically hoaxed, cozened, lied to—certainly over decades, likely over hundreds, maybe even over thousands of years; and b) we are as a result utterly unprepared for something big that’s coming—something big that’s coming maybe very soon.

Our need as a species to come together and speak as one has never been more pressing.

Those who control us continue with their controlling agendas. Meanwhile, we blithely occupy ourselves with our petty daily concerns, and our endless ‘more-about-me’ posting on social media (and yes, I’m just as guilty as any).

My own instinct is that 2019 is going to be a year of decision. And the more we can prepare ourselves, the less will be the trauma . . .

Much of this is summed up in a recent film called ‘Above Majestic.’

I think it’s worth a look.

Be warned however that I came to the film with a mindset already receptive. Coming to it cold may awaken and inspire, yes, but it may just as equally not.

But if you feel like stepping out of the quotidian for a bit, do take a look, see what you think . . .

Here’s a taste from David Wilcock’s summing-up:

“It’s time for all of us to take a stand . . . even if we don’t fully believe what those in this movie have been saying, it’s worthy of our consideration. . . . The planet is dying, we have economic collapse, we have mass starvation, we have the largest mass extinction since the collapse of the dinosaurs . . . and no-one is really doing anything about it . . . “

I got ‘Above Majestic’ through Vimeo, but I believe it’s also available via iTunes and Amazon, Microsoft, probably elsewhere also.

I should stress that I’m not selling here. I found the movie to be of value. If you don’t, well that’s fine . . .

Sift (always) everything for yourself; decide (always) everything for yourself.

That is—has always been—part of the deal for us as humans: to think for ourselves.

To find our own path.

Well anyway, all that apart, here’s to us all in 2019. And whatever happens, have no fear . . .

[ November 2020: ‘Above Majestic’ seems to be available for free here. I’ll check back every now and again to see whether the link is working . . . ]

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Jonathan Pie

[ Originally posted on Facebook 19 August 2018 ]

Interesting talking recently with a former UNHCR colleague who’d decided a while ago to return to his native Uzbekistan and who was back in Denmark on a visit.

Seems the country (one of the more repressive on Earth) is maybe considering loosening things up a bit, and the word ‘democracy’—formerly ultra-taboo—is even (whisper it) being quietly bruited.


Well, forgive me if I’m not entirely raptured by the D word, even despite Churchill’s ringing endorsement that it’s “the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

Sorry, but just can’t help feeling that any system which lands us with both Trump and Brexit could be said to . . . have flaws.

So I suggested that maybe a better measure of a country’s health might be the freedom to think what you like and—within limits—to say (or write) what you think.

A number of organisations track this kind of thing: this map comes from ‘Reporters Without Borders.’

(click on image to expand)

Here white denotes good, yellow ok, orange iffy, red trouble, and black forget it.

Which brings me to Jonathan Pie.

If you haven’t already come across him, Jonathan Pie presents as (I’ll say no more) a news reporter who between his formal takes to camera pulls the gloves off and tells it like it is.

His rants are always angry, usually foul-mouthed, on occasion borderline slanderous, but more often than not he nails it.

More importantly, how lucky we are to live in a place where he can say the things he does and live, and we can listen to them ditto.

The Economist has a light-hearted but basically sound measure of a country’s currency valuation based on the price in that country of a McDonald’s Big Mac.

With typical tongue-in-cheek flair, they call it ‘Burgernomics.’

In the same vein, I propose a further measure of a country’s freedom of expression: could Jonathan Pie exist and be heard there?

Call it, oh I dunno, The Pie Chart . . .

Jonathan Pie YouTube channel here.

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Gravity no more

[ Originally posted on Facebook 17 December 2019 ]

Not sure how much longer they’re going to be able to keep the lid on all this.

Of course, a kind of pre-Disclosure softening-up process has been under way for some considerable time.

Blockbuster movies like 2001, Close Encounters, and the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises have long been getting us subconsciously primed to accept all sorts of unthinkable ideas.

But in recent years, things have moved more into the open.

In particular, since around 2000 all sorts of military, government and intelligence folks have (been authorized to?) come forward to testify.

You can find many of these and judge for yourself at

Now however, things have become decidedly more concrete.

A recent U.S. Navy patent, under the rubric “Unconventional spacecraft propulsion systems,” is for a “Craft using an inertial mass reduction device.”

As you might imagine, it’s brimful with arcane techno-speak (example: “It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime . . . “), but behind it all the craft described is basically an anti-gravity ship that uses a “localized external vacuum” (!) to move “in a space, sea, air, or terrestrial environment” “at extreme speeds.”

Not a UFO then, more of an IFO . . .

Don’t believe me? Go see the thing itself at Google Patents,

This is likely a pre-emptive patent by the U.S., doubtless filed through gritted teeth, but deemed necessary in order to prevent others (China? Russia? India?) from getting there first.

If we’re real lucky it might spark a kind of patent war, as previously classified national programmes are forced into becoming more public.

Serious business yes, but not without humour: the listed inventor here is one Salvatore País, which loosely translates as ‘Saviour of the Country’ . . .

Anti-gravity is just one of the technologies involved in Disclosure.

I’ll be posting my own Disclosure predictions sometime around New Year (when I’ll also be retiring).

Meanwhile, keep an eye on the patents market . . .

P.S. This craft, or a close cousin, is already operational—”TR-3B” refers. If YouTube videos are to be believed (see e.g.,,, the U.S. military (inevitably, and alas) seem to have weaponised it . . .

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[ Originally posted on Facebook 1 January 2020 ]

Right then, here we are, some time after midnight on January 1st 2020, and as the anarchy that is Copenhagen’s annual New Year firework riot reaches its deafening climax, (it’ll go on for hours yet) I find myself . . . gosh-golly-goddam . . . retired.

Which means I can now say pretty much whatever I want, at the risk of embarrassing only myself (about which I give not a tinker’s cuss . . . )


As I’ve written here before, many months (well, I guess it’s years now) of reading, research and study around all sorts of subjects have convinced me that humanity has been hoodwinked, cozened, lied to for centuries, about everything from who (and what) we really are, how (and when) we originated, how we got to where we are, where we might be headed, and who’s actually in charge.

I’m pretty certain that some of this is about to change, and I think it might be starting very, very soon.

DISCLOSURE in this context refers to the revealing of information that has previously been withheld or classified (i.e. hidden from We-The-People by shitheads, usually for military, pecuniary or control advantage, but sometimes because they think they know better and feel that we just couldn’t handle the truth).

Some of it involves technologies. But it goes so much further.

Here, then, are a few predictions, plus some other stuff to get you thinking:

If (when) it happens, initial Disclosure will be very limited, likely confined to existing near-Earth space operations (i.e. someone in high authority will announce that we are in fact already doing things in space that go beyond just rockets, satellites and the ISS. President Trump’s 21 December “Space Force” announcement isn’t quite it yet, but edging closer. Wouldn’t surprise me if the U.S. and Russia decided to come clean simultaneously).

Thereafter (depending on various things) Disclosure could quickly unravel, revealing hitherto-secret details about (in no particular order) some or all of:

  • Classified technologies, including but not limited to: anti-gravity (see ‘Gravity no more‘); zero-point (i.e. free, unlimited) energy; exotic propulsion systems; FTL (faster-than-light) travel; portals; advanced materials (try searching ‘Aluminium oxynitride’); weather- and seismic control; cloaking; medicine (cures concealed by Big Pharma); more . . .

Other things it’s time we were told the truth about:

  • Current and historical contacts with other civilisations, (on- and off-planet) (see ‘ETs among us‘ and ‘Unacknowledged‘);

  • Role of same in human origins and evolution;

  • Current and historical human interplanetary (and possibly interstellar) missions (see ‘Above Majestic‘);

  • Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs, great acronym) around the planet, who (and what) is in them (see ‘Patches‘);

  • Existing human and other off-planet bases—Moon, Mars, beyond (again, see ‘Above Majestic‘);

  • Previous Earth civilisations;

  • Possibly (hope not), announced external threat to Earth—in which case, entities most likely in the frame: Draco and/or Orion-group (again, see ‘Patches‘);

  • Mind-control programming and high-level paedophile networks (U.S. sealed indictments refer) (see ‘Shame on us . . .‘);

  • Elite bloodlines, their histories and agenda(s) (see ‘The Georgia Guidestones‘ and ‘Death shot‘);

  • Well, everything really (see ‘The Law of One‘).

Potential issues arising include (in roughly short- to long-term order):

  • Controlling possible mass-panic (“world upside-down, sky falling . . . “; martial law?);

  • Controlling possible mass-fury (“you bastards, you mean you’ve been hiding this from us all along?”; ditto);

  • Coping with the realization that most of what we’ve been taught about science, history, well everything really, is, if not totally wrong, at the very least nowhere near the whole truth (the resulting cognitive conflict will prove too much for some, to the point of madness);

  • Crimes against humanity proceedings against perpetrators/concealers (mostly, but by no means exclusively, government, military and intelligence elites);

  • Amnesty (i.e. forgiveness) for (some of) same?;

  • Managing social effects (incl. collapse of banking system (hurrah!), worldwide ramifications of free energy, instant transport, disease reduction, eradication of poverty, eventual possibility of off-planet migration);

  • Geopolitical realignment (nations coming together in the face of a perceived common threat, real or otherwise);

  • Consciousness-shift (humanity to finally grow up, become a space-faring species, and take its place in the wider galactic fraternity).

If I’m right, some of the above coming to a lifetime near you, starting maybe real soon.

And if I’m wrong, well, hell . . .

There is, however, one further complicating factor:

There are reported to be many within U.S. military and intelligence circles who want some or all of this to come out.

However, there is also a large faction, in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world, who are doing very nicely indeed thank you from the present system.

For them, Disclosure would put a serious crimp in their wealth, power and influence.

These people are not going to give up without a fight. And they have all the latest toys.

So it’s not impossible that we’ll be assailed by some seriously sophisticated counter-tech, up to and including holographic overlays on (what we think of as) base reality.

If that does indeed happen, how then will we know what’s real and what’s not?

Beats me (although in the case of an announced external threat, it has been suggested that we watch world leaders—if they stick around and say they can fix things, then it’s a con; but if they disappear, we’ve definitely got issues . . . )

What can we do to prepare?

Keep our minds open, ready ourselves mentally for big change. [ November 2020 edit: “O my prophetic soul . . . ” ]

Stocking up on a few essentials in case of early-days confusion and chaos is no bad idea (light, heat, food, water etc., for a comprehensive checklist and more information see the US government’s emergency preparedness site at

Try to escape the herd-mind—think for ourselves.

Above all, have no fear: for these are times of growth and liberation.

And even if (what seems to be) worst comes to worst, Earthly death, even mass Earthly death, painful though it be to those who witness it and remain behind, is no death at all.

For we are all—all of us—eternal.

Oh, and if by some miracle you’re still with me, Bonne Année à tous!

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Things we forget . . .

[ Originally posted on Facebook 18 November 2015 in the wake of a series of terror attacks in Paris on 13 November that left over 120 dead ]

I have [now ‘had’] the honour to work for an organisation (UNHCR, the UN refugee agency), many of whose staff are on the front lines in some of the world’s most difficult places—places where conflict, terrorism, atrocity and personal trauma on a scale almost inconceivable are daily occurrence.

So to a conversation in the office today about how what’s happening in Europe will change things.

One of our number—who has extensive experience at the shitty sharp end—said, “Oh, it’ll be just like when we were in xxxx—there’s an explosion, a shooting, a bombing or some other terrible thing, everyone pauses for a moment, and then life goes on.”

“xxxx” might be Afghanistan, it might be Colombia, Central African Republic, Lebanon, Kenya, or Myanmar; it might be Mali, Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, Ukraine, Somalia, Iraq, South Sudan, or Yemen; it might be Turkey. It might be so many other places.

What we in Europe (and USA, Australia, Canada, Japan etc.) see as the unimaginable is often no more than daily reality for so many others around the world.

The developed world’s myth since WWII is that the authorities can and will keep us all safe.

Never has this been more untrue.

So welcome, we lucky denizens of the “developed” world, to our new reality—a reality that so many of our brothers and sisters elsewhere know only too well and live with daily . . .

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