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Why this site?


2025: Fingers crossed . . .

The global supply chain is at risk. Why this matters . . .

Couldn’t happen here . . .

A hypothetical (?) small group of very powerful people with a plan

We’ve been warned (again)

We ignore these messages at our peril

Do ye still doubt?—2: ETs among us

How much longer can the truth be hid?

The Georgia Guidestones

An agenda set in stone


I’ve been reading, researching, reflecting for many years, still am. This site presents some of the results.

While trying always to avoid the murkier ‘conspiracy theory’ depths, there’s still plenty of solidly-documented evidence that the sicknesses of both humanity and our planet are no accident, and that things are not always as they seem . . .

Just some of the subjects you’ll find explored here:

Global supply chain failure, geopolitical and demographic threats to our entire civilisation2025: Fingers crossed . . .
Who’s really in charge?Couldn’t happen here . . .
The sinister symbols that are all around usWe’ve been warned (again)
The reality of ET presence on our planetDo ye still doubt?—2: ETs among us
A depopulation agenda set in stoneThe Georgia Guidestones
Poison needles into peopleDo ye still doubt?—1: death-shot
The horrors of child abuse and child slaveryShame on us . . .
Serpents, dragons and Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)Patches
Technologies and other things being hidden from usGosh-golly-goddam
The reality of anti-gravity travelGravity no more
Mind control: haven’t posted on this yet, but see see the Wikipedia entry on the CIA’s multi-decade ‘MK-Ultra‘ mind-control programme, also MK-Ultra-survivor Cathy O’Brien’s disturbing ‘TRANCE Formation of America‘ page.

But it’s not all gloom and doom. Humanity continues to surprise and delight in myriad ways:

Young Japanese drumming phenom YoyokaOf their hands: be like Japan
Best-ever TV showThe Wire
American virtues in actionOf their hands: Rotator Ron
What politics is really likeThe Thick of It
More fun not possibleA sport called . . .
Skills of our forefathersOf their hands: Mr Chickadee
The late, great Ricky Jay in jaw-dropping performanceMaster of cards
Life, the Universe and EverythingThe Law of One

There’s plenty more, see the Archive page.

Now read on . . .

Part of the rationale behind the creation of this site was the fact that I’d become increasingly disenchanted with the tendency of the social media giants to deprecate and even censor any view that deviates from the official party line.

Well, if you too are not completely convinced by what you see happening around you and around the world, know that you’re certainly not alone—much though the mainstream media would like to make you think you are.

With searches like “alternative media” it is possible to find sites that dare to challenge the narrative of the criminally complicit mainstream media.

However, sifting the nuggets of truth there from the clinker of conspiracy can often be a struggle.

One site that is worth a look though is “OffGuardian“—so-named apparently from the fact that its founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the UK Guardian newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free’ section.

So believe it, you are certainly not alone . . .

[ Thursday 3 March 2022 ]

Governments and the mainstream media have been plugging, with one—deafening—voice, their version of what’s been going on over the past two years.

But others avow a different narrative, and they say they can prove it (try a search for “Dr Reiner Fuellmich” . . . )

Rumoured depopulation agendas (see ‘The Georgia Guidestones‘), coming false-flag cyber-attacks, food and energy shortages, mandatory vaccine passports as a prelude to full-on digital IDs, engineered financial meltdown and reset to a cashless society, social credit scoring (and what happens to those who score low); the reality of an unexplained surge in heart problems among the young, and sudden early deaths generally (see ‘Death shot‘), plus documented airline concerns about the impact of 5G on aircraft safety—all these and more form a potent brew for those minded to ponder . . .

The same might be true also of events in Ukraine.

An ego-mad—and possibly unhinged?—tyrant seeking to (re-)impose hegemony by force?

Or (as some would have it) a targeted campaign to eradicate the evils of child trafficking (and worse, see ‘Shame on us‘) and the bio-weapons labs which have proliferated in Ukraine since independence?

For the former view, one-time Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe at NATO headquarters, General Sir Richard Shirreff, in 2016 wrote an eerily prescient (because informed?) book about a Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Baltic States, entitled 2017: War with Russia: An Urgent Warning from Senior Military Command. (Download links: Amazon UK; Amazon US; Barnes & Noble)

Consider also a 2021 post by geopolitical/demographic analyst Peter Zeihan: he argues that the real issue is establishing more-defensible Russian borders, and that for Putin Ukraine is just the start (this would square with much of Europe’s recent war-talk, and fears for Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania, Moldova, even Romania and Poland . . . )

For the latter view? Well you’ll just have to do a bit of digging for yourselves . . .

One thing is for sure—we’re not being told the whole truth about all manner of things (see ‘Gosh-golly-goddam‘).

My own belief—after much research—is that humanity is not only being misled now, but has been hoodwinked over decades, centuries, millennia.

Basically, we’re being lied to about all sorts of stuff. (again, see ‘Gosh-golly-goddam‘)

But nowadays to say this on the “social” (ha!) platforms—even with evidence—is to be condemned, censored, cancelled . . .

So I decided to dump Facebook (I never went down the Twitter, Instagram or other “social” roads).

However, I still had things to say, so the only alternative seemed to be to create my own site, where I could express whatever I wanted without some shithead in California (or anywhere else) telling me what I could and couldn’t write.

Meanwhile, think on this:

Rise like Lions after slumber
 In unvanquishable number—
 Shake your chains to earth like dew
 Which in sleep had fallen on you
 Ye are many—they are few.

                              —Percy Bysshe Shelley (from The Mask of Anarchy, 1819)

And this:

"I conceive of mind control as a phenomena [sic] encompassing all the ways in which personal, social and institutional forces are exerted to induce compliance, conformity, belief, attitude, and value change in others."

                             —Philip G. Zimbardo, psychologist, author, 
                                professor emeritus at Stanford University.