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The Witterings of Myles Posts

Of their hands: Rotator Ron

Ron Pratt is a good Christian man. He’s also a proud American, endowed with many of his homeland’s finer virtues: courteous and deferential, thoughtful of others, hard-working, with a won’t-be-beaten, get-it-done attitude.

His trade is towing and recovery, on the highway and elsewhere. And prime among the machinery he uses is a monster truck called the Rotator (Tator for short, natch).

This state-of-the-art, 73,000-pound behemoth has a huge extending boom with multiple cables, hooks and clinches, compartments brimful of chains, shackles, straps, blocks, all sorts of other heavy-duty equipment, and a digital control system enabling full remote control.

All of which is needed, as Ron has to deal with all kinds of vehicular dramas: tractor-trailers that have jackknifed, overturned or are teetering precariously; cars way off the hardtop and down in a ditch; agricultural equipment marooned far into the woods, beached loads weighing sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds, you get the picture . .  .

Called out day or night in all weathers, he’s often working in dangerous conditions. So safety awareness and precautions are a big part of the job.

And to film all this? Well, when out of the Tator he uses a headcam. This way you get an up-close view of his on-site interactions with state troopers, fire crews and other emergency services, and you see exactly how he goes about evaluating the situation, gets his crew organized and briefed, sorts out comms, and sets about the business of rescue.

But for all the gee-whizz machinery, this is a job that still involves a great deal of manual (“of their hands”!) labour, and Ron’s mike picks up every grunt of exertion, every laboured breath.

Ok yes, occasionally when he’s checking many directions quickly the headcam can make you a bit dizzy, but the overall effect is to put you right there as order is slowly restored to chaos.

Techniques vary according to the task: sometimes it might be a straight pull, but for others multiple cables are woven together into a complex cat’s cradle of physics and geometry. (Ships’ crews from the bygone days of rope and sail would certainly recognize—and applaud—his skills . . . )

All in all, it’s a fascinating insight into a world we never normally see. And into a good man doing a difficult—sometimes emotionally draining—job.

For although this is never shown, these accidents sometimes result in serious injuries or worse.

Which lends extra impact to Ron’s words early on in each video as he heads out to the scene: “as always, we ask for prayers, good thoughts, well-wishes for all involved . . . ”

Here’s the short introduction to his channel:

The videos are sometimes quite long, reflecting the complexity of the job and the challenging conditions. I’ve chosen a shorter one for here—a relatively simple [!] night-time recovery of a car that’s left the highway and is [! again] in a tree.

But you’ll get some idea at least of the Tator’s huge range and abilities, plus some of the ready-for-anything gear inside the truck’s many compartments.

And of course, Ron’s supreme mastery of his métier . . .

Ron Pratt’s YouTube channel

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Of their hands: wheelwright / wainwright

There’s a particular pleasure in watching someone who knows what they’re doing doing it well. This is pretty much the leitmotif of the “Of their Hands” series.

Dave Engels lives in Joliet, Montana. He’s made it his life’s work to preserve the wheelright and wainright skills of yesteryear.

I can do no better than to quote some of the introduction on his YouTube channel:

This YouTube video library is designed to preserve the wheelwright trade so it is not forgotten. Having over 40 plus years in the wheelwright trade, I have witnessed number of changes brought from the changing of generations passing on. Some are fortunate to pass their skills and knowledge on to younger folks, while others take their knowledge and wisdom to the grave with them. This is my attempt to pass some things forward.

This channel has been dedicated to preserving what I can in regard to the wheelwright trade. Having covered a broad spectrum of the fundamentals of a wheelwright, my change in purpose will now be to focus on the wainwright trade aspect of carriage- and coach-building.

Back in the day there was no assembly-line production—each wagon was custom-built, with wood and iron. So anyone wanting to repair and restore them has to have the full range of woodworking and metalworking skills.

Dave sure is an expert woodworker; with forge and anvil he can (re)create irons of any type and shape; making wagon wheels and hubs of all sizes from scratch is no problem; he shows us custom-moulding of coach panels, restoring the broken to good-as-new, and upholstering to perfection.

Maybe best of all, his calm and assured voice explains as he goes along—we learn a lot. And to cap it all, the videos themselves are very well filmed and edited, with even the occasional stop-motion surprise.

So much richness . . .

Difficult to encompass this immense range in just one short video, so once you’ve had a look at this intro overview, do go on over to Dave’s channel: Engels Coach Shop.

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Shame on us . . .

[ Originally posted on Facebook 21 July 2020; addition below,14 April 2021 ]

The battle between those who would shackle us and those who would free us is now out in the open, and is building towards its climax.

For now, it might seem that the former have the upper hand.

However, the latter have an ace up their sleeve—Disclosure.

Humanity will soon learn much about what has until now been hidden (see my January 1 post ‘Gosh-golly-goddam‘ for more on this).

Alas, some of what we’ll learn will shock and horrify.

In particular, detail upon detail will emerge of what we have allowed by our negligence to happen to many among the millions of children who disappear each year.

Forced labour is about the best these can hope for (this is well documented in the reports of the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of State, the International Labour Organization, Human Rights Watch et al.);

Others are sold into sexual slavery (Epstein/Maxwell is just the tip of a massive iceberg here);

But you should know that many meet with the ultimate horror—torture and ritual sacrifice, to satisfy the cravings of elites and others around the world and the appetites of their off-world controllers.

These inhuman crimes will be revealed in graphic and incontrovertible detail.

Humanity needs to prepare itself for these revelations. People will feel almost unbearable guilt at their previous indifference and inaction. The psychological shock will send some mad.

The danger is that the low-vibration, destructive energies of fear, horror and despair will flood the planet.

So what can we do to soften the blow?

Well, already the knowledge of what is to come will help. Girded with Light, we can keep at bay some of the more negative energies.

But in the end, we must free ourselves from our purely Earthbound mindset.

We must come to understand that we are eternal creatures of the Universe.

We are on a planet that is in Transition. Those who can maintain the higher-level vibrations of Love and Light will have the chance alike to Ascend.

Also, know we are not alone in this.

Many of our brothers and sisters from the higher dimensions (call them Angels if you prefer) are with us on this journey of transition.

Some of these have incarnated on Earth, in order to bypass the Universe’s non-interference rules and take an even more active role.

And as always, our call compels their answer . . .

[ Added 14 April 2021 ]

It’s begun.

Polish film director Patryk Vega has released a documentary ‘Eyes of the Devil,’ which lays bare the industry of babies sold for their organs or to child brothels in Germany.

The film begins with Patryk explaining that he was tipped off about a pregnant woman in Poland who was trying to sell her baby. A child trafficking agent was brokering a deal for her that would bring in a large sum of money if she carried her baby to term and allowed him to sign the birth certificate as the father, so that the baby would not be reported as “missing.”

The documentary films Vega’s conversations with the mother selling her baby, the agent handler and the child trafficker. The voices and faces are altered, but these conversations reveal for the first time how these businesses operate.

Be warned: you will see, hear and learn things in this documentary that will shock and horrify. Before watching, make sure you are centred and calm. The video contains graphic material about raping and killing babies and young children. Be advised . . .

[Edit 9 February 2022]

Well, initially I chose not to embed the video, and just put a link to it. But maybe my warning was just too off-putting. It needs to be seen . . . So here it is: “The Eyes of the Devil” . . .

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The best of the friends I’ve been privileged to count as close (his name was Ed, see here) beguiled us all with his fierce intellect, immoderate wit, and a truly liberating command of the scatological.

Which makes it all the more surprising that I never came across Christopher Hitchens (“Hitch”) during his lifetime—a shortfall which I rue to this day.

Here was a man who lived by argument and debate. A voracious reader—who seemed never to forget a single thing he’d read—he travelled the world’s trouble-spots and interviewed the world’s change-makers, bringing a critical and independent (his words) mind to challenge all forms of settled belief with an almost otherworldly fluency and coherence.

He was also a prolific writer and broadcaster.

Just a few book titles will give you some idea: “No One Left to Lie To” (his indictment of Bill Clinton); “The Missionary Position” (ditto Mother Teresa—“. . . was not a friend of the poor . . . was a friend of poverty. . . . said that suffering was a gift from God . . . spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women . . . ”); “God Is Not Great” (subtitle “How Religion Poisons Everything”); “The Trial of Henry Kissinger”, and so on.

But Hitchens was not just a polemicist. He also authored biographies of men he admired (George Orwell, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine), and left us with essay collections on any number of topics. Plus a splendid memoir (“Hitch-22”—as good a place to start on his writings as any).

British-born, he moved to the USA in his early thirties, finally becoming a US citizen in 2007.

He died of cancer in 2011.

Seek him out, I urge you. For even if you disagree with his views, his manner of putting them across always delights, not to mention the wit and learning-lightly-worn.

You’ll find plenty of videos of him in full flight on YouTube. I’ve chosen one of the very last of these: an interview by Britain’s Jeremy Paxman shortly before Hitchens’ death.

Paxman was a famously abrasive interviewer (he once said his default mindset when interviewing politicians was “why is this lying bastard lying to me?”). But here he becomes almost (gasp!) deferential, as these two fine intellects range over career, beliefs, illness, and impending death.

Would that Christopher Hitchens were still alive today—his breadth of knowledge, his clear and incisive thinking, and the tangential slash* of his wisdom would be welcome—nay, essential—correctives to the madness that is our current world . . .

[ * So wish I’d coined this, but in fact I lifted it—if memory serves, from Frank Herbert’s “Dune.” q.v. ]

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Eyes open, folks . . .


On March 23, a huge container ship became lodged sideways across the Suez Canal, the word “Evergreen” emblazoned for all to see.

Bad luck, you might think.

The shipping company offered the explanation that the (nearly-quarter-million-ton) ship—which is the length of four football pitches—was “suspected of being hit by a sudden strong wind.”

But curiouser and curiouser: photos then emerged of a truck that had blocked the Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway in China just a few days previously.

It was at exactly the same angle, and—gasp!—also had the word “Evergreen” boldly emblazoned on its side for all to see.

Well, it’s all just a coincidence. Surely it must all be just a coincidence . . .

For those of a conspiratorial bent, note that “Evergreen”  is apparently the U.S. Secret Service codename for Hillary Clinton.

Other things to ponder:

  • Satellites falling from the sky (see here and here)

  • A semiconductor shortage strangling the automotive industry (world #1 and #3 players NXP Semiconductors and Infineon Technologies fell prey to the recent—unprecedented—ice-storms in Texas, while #2 player Renesas Electronics in Japan reported on March 19 that its plant has been ravaged by fire.)

  • [ Added 3 April ] Trio of lights over Montreal airport on 31 March. Ours? Theirs? Whose? Why? See below . . .

Things are hotting up.

So, eyes open, folks . . .

P.S. [ 11 April ] Oh, and you might want to keep an eye out for further unexpected early-age deaths. A causal pattern developing perhaps?
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Of their hands: woodturning

[ Expanded from an original Facebook post of October 2016 ]

YouTube is a place of many contrasts.

Yes, there’s plenty of “OMG, this is so amazing” (it usually isn’t), or “OMG, this is so funny” (ditto).

But in amongst this and similar crap, there’s also plenty that’s interesting, informative, inspiring.

For the first two, try searching YouTube for e.g. “log cabin,” “18th Century cooking,” or “coin tricks.”

For all three together, commend me to Rod Humphrey, erstwhile (proud) U.S. Marine and Special Forces veteran, now a master woodturner.

Here’s someone who during their active service must have seen (and dealt?) much savagery, whose chosen activity in retirement is almost a polar opposite.

And as we follow the (always well-filmed) process of him turning log and lumber into stunning, often chatoyant beauty, Rod explains to us in his gentle voice just what he’s doing and why. (Chatoyance is a word you’ll hear him use occasionally. It  means a kind of silk-like sheen that shimmers as the eye-line changes.)

In this way, we begin to understand some of the complexities of woodturning, and a large part of its appeal.

All this is done with a humility and an appreciation of others that might put any materialist striver to shame . . .

Hard to choose among the myriads of Rod’s videos to showcase, but try this one:

This is one in a planned occasional “Of their Hands” series, in which I’ll be spotlighting some of the folks I’ve found online who marry mortal and machine in mastery majestic.

There’s already a few of these on the site: I’m thinking in particular of Mr Chickadee, Mechanical perfection and Katzenjammer cobblers . . .

Interestingly, quite apart from the immersive pleasure of watching a thing done superlatively well, there’s often a kind of tranquility (maybe even healing?) to be had in watching these videos.

I suspect this at least partially reflects the satisfaction and contentment of those who are making the very best of their (co-)creative talents . . .

R Humphrey YouTube channel here

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A new Page

When someone of talent takes time to craft videos showcasing their skills, YouTube can open our eyes to things we didn’t previously know.

Others meanwhile bring to familiar things a new richness.

This is one such.

I’ve already waxed lyrical about British band Led Zeppelin.

Conceived as a super-group by ex-Yardbirds guitarist Jimmy Page, they erupted onto the scene with their eponymous debut album way back in 1969.

Subsequent albums only reinforced this success, so that by 1980 Led Zeppelin were playing to audiences in the tens of thousands (the crowd at a Knebworth festival show in 1979 was estimated at some 104,000).

Along with their immense worldwide fame came all the clichéd rock band excesses.

These were undoubtedly a factor in drummer John Bonham’s death in 1980.

Following which Led Zeppelin split.

They later recombined in several reunions, culminating in an almost comically over-subscribed—seems 20 million ticket applications—and critically well-received 2007 show at London’s O2 arena. (The drummer here was Bonham’s son Jason—how cool is that?)

Unusually among “dinosaur” rock bands of ages past, Zeppelin’s music remains popular, as generations new discover their beguiling mix of mainstream blues, hard rock grit, and mellow acoustic.

So, to the point:

On his own site (here), Carl Baldasarre describes himself—rather grandiosely—as “composer, guitarist, songwriter, philanthropist, esteemed financial professional and mentor.”


However, there’s no doubting he can play.

And play he does, as he reproduces Jimmy Page’s technique and takes us through some of its intricacies—his riffs and chord progressions, his pick- and slide-work, the overall flow and more.

Throughout it all his respect for Page’s genius shines through, and we get to appreciate it all the better.

This video from Baldasarre’s YouTube channel (here) features Zeppelin’s “Ramble On.”

So much to relish, so much to learn . . .

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The Law of One—3: some concepts


I’ve already said this in the previous “Overview” post, but it bears repeating. Unless directly quoting Ra (always in quotes and usually with a reference), anything I write here will inevitably be coloured (“distorted”) by my own perceptions and experience. Different things will resonate for different people. There’s simply no substitute for reading the source material . . .

Note: If you haven’t already done so, I do recommend you take a look at my two previous Law of One posts, “the story” and “overview.” The first gives some background on how it all came about and how received, and the second more on the identity of Ra and the essential message of the Law of One. This post builds on those two . . .


Ra speaks of a ladder of ascending densities:

  • First density is that of physical manifestation, in which air, fire, earth and water combine to create the conditions for life. On Earth, first density took about two billion years (76.13).
  • Second density is where biological life emerges and evolves into ever-greater complexity (9.13). Second density on Earth took about 4.6 billion years (76.13).
  • Third density is where self-aware beings evolve (13.21). Third density lasts for a relatively short (in cosmic terms) time—just 75,000 years (6.15).

Many will recognize parallels here with the Genesis creation story in the Christian Bible, but it also meshes pretty well with many other earthly creation myths: the world moves from chaos through to the appearance of land and sea, then the arrival of life-forms of increasing complexity, and finally the arrival of self-aware beings—in the case of Earth, us.

The ladder of densities continues on through fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh, each of which represents a step up in spiritual evolution, with its own learning opportunities.

Ra states that they are of the sixth density (14.19).

Earth Transition

Earth is a third-density planet. It’s basically a schoolroom, in which we humans are faced with daily challenges (Ra calls them “catalyst”). Through these challenges we learn our lessons.

If we don’t learn from them this time round, the same challenges will repeatedly present themselves until we do. Once we have learned our third-density lessons, we can progress up the ladder to the next density.

The name of the game is spiritual evolution and development.

Ra mentions that third density lasts for a comparatively short 75,000 years (6.15).

And here’s the thing: Earth is coming to the end of that 75,000-year period, is herself moving into fourth density (6.18).

And that has big implications for the self-aware life-forms that inhabit her . . .


The allotted 75,000-year third density is itself split into three 25,000-year periods. At the end of each of each of these periods, those who are deemed to have successfully learned their lessons get the chance to graduate to the next (fourth) density.

Ra calls this sieving and evaluation process “harvest.”

Asked what the harvest was at the end of the first 25.000-year period, Ra’s answer is brief and succinct—”The harvest was none” (14.15).

Well bravo us . . .

At the end of the second 25,000-year period, Ra tells us that the harvest was “extremely small” (14.17), but that all those who could have progressed to fourth density chose to remain on Earth in order to help those remaining.

Ra tells us we’re now pretty much at the end of that whole 75,000-year period, at which time all are harvested regardless.

Those who do not qualify get to redo third density again (and again and again) elsewhere, until they too have learned the lessons they set for themselves . . .

However, Ra is not optimistic about how we’re all going to do this time round: “there are few to harvest” (13.23).

The Choice

So the big question is: how do we qualify for graduation to the next density?

As Ra explains it, it seems incredibly simple. And yet none of this is taught in any of our schools, colleges, universities—anywhere. (Why?)

First thing we have to do is make a choice: to serve others or to serve ourselves.

  • For those who choose to serve others, any who manage to do this for more than 50% of their lifetime qualify (17.31);
  • For those who choose to serve themselves, the percentage needed to qualify is a very stiff 95% (17.32).

Ra insists that both these avenues are acceptable according to the Law of One—as Ra puts it: “The Law of One blinks neither at the light or the darkness, but is available for service to others and service to self” (7.15).

The important thing here is to make the choice. Those who do have a chance to progress; those who don’t fall into what Ra calls the “sinkhole of indifference” (17.33) and are certain to have to redo a third-density incarnation.

I’ve barely scratched the surface here. The Law of One is an incredibly rich and complex resource.

To pick a few topics at random from the 300+-term Index:

  • the various human energy centres;
  • visits to Earth from other planets;
  • pyramids: how made, their function(s);
  • the Confederation of Planets;
  • free will;
  • the history of our solar system;
  • sexuality.

As always, look for yourself, decide for yourself, find what resonates for you. Cleave to that and don’t worry about discarding anything that doesn’t.

This is your journey, to decide upon your own truth.


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The Law of One—2: overview

Presumptuous even to think one could give an ‘overview’ of something as rich and complex as the teachings of Ra. But we have to start somewhere . . .

If you haven’t already done so, please read The Law of One—1: the story first. It gives important background (with photos) on how the Ra contact came to be and how the teachings were received.

First, a bit of housekeeping:

  1. Ra is not a single being, but a unified planetary group—in their words a “social memory complex”—and so should properly be referred to in the plural (‘Ra are’ . . . ). But this rings strangely to English-speaking ears, so wherever it sounds better I’ll refer to Ra in the singular (‘Ra says’ . . . ). Just bear in mind that any such singular usage should always be understood as referring to a plural entity.

  2. The concept of distortion is met with often in Ra’s teachings, and can mean several things. In this case, know that anything I (or anyone else) says about The Law of One, any description or analysis that you or I might make, is coloured (‘distorted’) by our own perceptions and experience. No getting away from this. Ra also confesses that language is a blunt tool, sometimes incapable of accurately putting across all that is to be said.

  3. Although Ra is an entity more highly evolved and knowledgeable than we, they make no claim to authority, describing themselves simply as “a humble messenger of the Law of One.”

  4. There is an absolute distinction to be made between the actual Law of One and the The Law of One books. The latter are just transcripts of sessions in which Ra speaks about the Law of One. To make this distinction clear, I’ll use italics for the title of the books.

  5. When referencing the The Law of One books, I’ll use the accepted citation method involving two numbers. The first refers to the session number, the second to the number of the question in that session.

All that said, let’s dive in.

About Ra

Ra is (actually ‘are,’ see above) old—really old. A date initially given as 2.6 million years ago is mentioned (89.8)—corrected immediately and almost unbelievably during the same answer to 2.6 billion years ago—as the time when they went through the kind of material (third-density) experience we are currently living here on Earth, in their case on Venus.

They have long since left Venus, and are now at the sixth-density level of evolution (14.19).

Ra’s interaction with mankind started way back before our recorded history, in response to a call from those who wanted to learn about the true nature of the universe.

As part of their mission to teach the Law of One, members of the Ra collective walked the Earth among the Egyptians some 11,000 years ago. They came as brothers and sisters (not gods) but their physical appearance in our density—”tall and somewhat delicate” with a “golden luster” (6.4)—meant they had trouble integrating with the local population, who tended to glorify, even deify them.

Equally, Ra’s teachings were appropriated by the royal elite, who robbed the teachings of their inherent compassion and kept them for themselves.

Because of this the Ra people left Earth, never to walk on it again (1.5).

Ra accepted responsibility for the way in which their teachings had been distorted, and have ever since seen it as their duty—and honour—to try and make reparation.

They admit it was naïve to think their teachings would be shared for the benefit of all, and confess “we cannot plumb the depths of the distortion complexes which infect your peoples.” (3.6)

 About the Law of One

The Law of One is beyond the limitations of language, beyond the limits of our third-density understanding, beyond the specifications of any physics.

As Ra says, “There is no possibility of a complete source of information of the Law of One in this density.” (26.4)

It may only be approximated in language by stating that all things are one.

There is only one being in all the infinite universes. That one being, the Creator, experiences itself in infinite forms, infinite entities, infinite situations—all of equal, sacred value—but remains ever One.

And that you are.

You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One”. (1.7)

Is that it?

This revelation—arresting and philosophically profound though it is—might seem at first glance to offer little of practical value to we humans, as we try to make sense of our dense and chaotic world and just get through the day.

But The Law of One books are a record of many sessions with Ra. During these, Don Elkins grilled Ra on any number of questions, each of which Ra attempted to answer as completely as possible without infringing free will, using the imperfect tool of language.

We’ll cover some of the main themes in a future post, but here are just a few of the myriad subjects on which Ra speaks:

  • disease and healing;
  • karma, releasing of same;
  • universal and galactic cycles;
  • the history of humanity;
  • the coming transition;
  • our purpose in life;
  • the nature of our “reality.”

and more, oh so much more . . .

How you can find out more

There is no substitute for reading the source material.

L/L Research (L/L stands for Love/Light) make digital editions of The Law of One books available for free on their website (here) in pdf, mobi and epub formats.

Much of this material is also available in other languages, accessed via the ‘Translate’ button at the top-right of the site. As of January 2022, languages listed are Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

A series of videos on YouTube introduces many of the features and concepts of the Law of One.

The books are an almost bewilderingly rich resource, discursive in structure, and in language that can sometimes be hard to fathom.

But no need to try and encompass it all—just take whatever resonates for you. It will be the start of your own unique journey with the material and with the teaching.

And to quote from Gary L. Bean’s The Ra Contact: A Concept Guide:

“Ra reminds us that the Law of One abhors no one. It also blinks neither at the light nor the darkness, but is available to any who open the gateway. It works the same whatever your particular personality traits and biographical history, whether you are an intellectual giant or an intuitive feeler, an extrovert or an introvert, whether you came from riches or poverty, or whether you did all the ‘right’ things or all the ‘wrong’ things. No one trait, behavior, or thread of the personal history writes the story. It is the way each aspect of the self is integrated and balanced within the whole in forgiveness and acceptance.”


Next: The Law of One—3: some concepts

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The Law of One—1: the story

In 1961, a physics professor called Don Elkins with a passionate private interest in the big questions like What is the meaning of life? How big is the universe, and how does it work? What don’t we know? was given a book detailing how a group meditating together might receive information via telepathic contact with extraterrestrial entities.

Much of this chimed with his own researches, so to test the hypothesis he staged a group meditation experiment of his own with some of his students. He didn’t tell them what the purpose of the experiment was.

The results were inconclusive. However, one of the attendees—a girl called Carla Rueckert—seemed particularly receptive.

In 1968, they finally got together, set up a company called L/L Research, and continued their work of research and seeking.

An off-gridder called Jim McCarty had meanwhile heard an interview with the two on radio. Eventually through mutual acquaintances he was introduced, was accepted into the team, and moved in with them in December 1980.

Twenty-three days later, on January 15, 1981, a voice spoke through Carla, now acting as channelling instrument herself, and said “I am Ra.”

Ra identified themselves as a multiple-soul entity from a higher dimension, who had made contact in order to help humanity through a forthcoming transition.

During subsequent sessions Carla would slip into unconsciousness and Ra would operate her vocal chords. So—rather like Edgar Cayce before her—to begin with at least she was quite unaware of what was said during the contact.

Over 106 sessions, Elkins put more than 2,500 questions to Ra, who answered with a truly extra-human calm and patience.

Protocols developed for the sessions included meditation, a protection ritual, massage to alleviate Carla’s arthritic pains after staying motionless for an hour or more during the contact, and meticulously placed objects—sacred text (for Carla, a heartfelt Christian, the Bible), chalice of water, candle, incense—that would both tune the contact and reassure Carla as she left her body.

Ra was careful not to claim any authority, referring to themselves simply as “humble messengers of the Law of One.”

The contacts were all taped and then transcribed by McCarthy. The the result was a series of five books published by L/L Research entitled The Law Of One (The Ra Material).

The contact with Ra continued until the death of Don Elkins in 1984.

Preparing Carla for a session. Placement and alignment of Bible, candle, chalice and incense were important
Carla now ready. Three microphones are linked to three separate tape recorders, to ensure nothing is missed
Don Elkins prepares to ask questions of Ra
Jim McCarthy transcribing

Next: The Law of One—2: overview

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