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We’ve been warned (again)

The Universe has rules.

Those who seek to enslave us must tell us what they’re doing.

If we don’t object, this is taken as our free-will acceptance of their actions.

That’s why things designed for mass public consumption—rock concerts, international games ceremonies, movies, music videos, half-time shows at major sporting events etc.—often feature symbolism which shouts out loud to those who know.

Take, for example, the opening ceremony at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in England’s Birmingham.

The apparently innocent imaging here plays on Birmingham’s bull connection—the city’s centre has for centuries been known as the ‘Bull Ring’, and today’s huge shopping complex is the ‘Bullring Centre.’

So the Birmingham Commonwealth Games opening ceremony duly featured a massive, fiery bull, complete with smoke-snorting nostrils. Around which all manner of dance and other antics unfolded.

Here’s a screen-capture of part of the ceremony:


Back then to the Christian Bible, in which the Israelites find that their “Lord” condemns in the strongest possible terms practices associated with the (Canaanite?) bull-god Moloch.

Practices which include the obscenity of child sacrifice:

“Don’t sacrifice your children in the fires of your altars . . . “ (Deuteronomy 18:10)

” . . . and they have built altars for Baal in order to burn their children in the fire as sacrifices.” (Jeremiah 19:5)

“Even today you offer the same gifts and defile yourselves with the same idols by sacrificing your children to them in the fire.” (Ezekiel 20:31)

Here’s an illustration of one such sacrifice to the god Moloch, taken from the 1897 book Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us, by Charles Foster.

So some pretty heavy-handed symbolism in Birmingham, no? Humans bowed down as if in worship before a giant bull that’s surrounded by the fire of flaming torches . . .

All just coincidence? Nah, don’t think so. And not so much a ceremony as . . . a rite.

If we allow these sorts of things to go unremarked and unchallenged, those who would enslave us can point to them and say in their defence: “but look, we told them what we were doing, and they didn’t say nay.”

Well, there’s plenty of other overt symbolism out there. Symbolism we miss or ignore at our peril.

Once sensitised, you realise these symbols are all around us.

Look for e.g. the single all-seeing eye inside a triangle (and celebrities photographed with just one eye showing), specific hand-signs, pyramids and obelisks, fiery torches, sun-disks (particularly those rayed or winged), pentagrams inverted, crosses ditto, checkerboard floors, the ourobouros (a snake swallowing its own tail), owls (strange but true), and more, more, more.

Well there’s a coincidence. For you to figure out what it might all mean . . .

But as always, don’t take my word for it—dig for yourself, ponder for yourself, make up your own mind . . .

Here’s one or two places to start you off:

Oh, and see also my posts ‘Shame on us‘ and ‘Patches‘ on this site.