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Month: April 2021

Shame on us . . .

[ Originally posted on Facebook 21 July 2020; addition below,14 April 2021 ]

The battle between those who would shackle us and those who would free us is now out in the open, and is building towards its climax.

For now, it might seem that the former have the upper hand.

However, the latter have an ace up their sleeve—Disclosure.

Humanity will soon learn much about what has until now been hidden (see my January 1 post ‘Gosh-golly-goddam‘ for more on this).

Alas, some of what we’ll learn will shock and horrify.

In particular, detail upon detail will emerge of what we have allowed by our negligence to happen to many among the millions of children who disappear each year.

Forced labour is about the best these can hope for (this is well documented in the reports of the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of State, the International Labour Organization, Human Rights Watch et al.);

Others are sold into sexual slavery (Epstein/Maxwell is just the tip of a massive iceberg here);

But you should know that many meet with the ultimate horror—torture and ritual sacrifice, to satisfy the cravings of elites and others around the world and the appetites of their off-world controllers.

These inhuman crimes will be revealed in graphic and incontrovertible detail.

Humanity needs to prepare itself for these revelations. People will feel almost unbearable guilt at their previous indifference and inaction. The psychological shock will send some mad.

The danger is that the low-vibration, destructive energies of fear, horror and despair will flood the planet.

So what can we do to soften the blow?

Well, already the knowledge of what is to come will help. Girded with Light, we can keep at bay some of the more negative energies.

But in the end, we must free ourselves from our purely Earthbound mindset.

We must come to understand that we are eternal creatures of the Universe.

We are on a planet that is in Transition. Those who can maintain the higher-level vibrations of Love and Light will have the chance alike to Ascend.

Also, know we are not alone in this.

Many of our brothers and sisters from the higher dimensions (call them Angels if you prefer) are with us on this journey of transition.

Some of these have incarnated on Earth, in order to bypass the Universe’s non-interference rules and take an even more active role.

And as always, our call compels their answer . . .

[ Added 14 April 2021 ]

It’s begun.

Polish film director Patryk Vega has released a documentary ‘Eyes of the Devil,’ which lays bare the industry of babies sold for their organs or to child brothels in Germany.

The film begins with Patryk explaining that he was tipped off about a pregnant woman in Poland who was trying to sell her baby. A child trafficking agent was brokering a deal for her that would bring in a large sum of money if she carried her baby to term and allowed him to sign the birth certificate as the father, so that the baby would not be reported as “missing.”

The documentary films Vega’s conversations with the mother selling her baby, the agent handler and the child trafficker. The voices and faces are altered, but these conversations reveal for the first time how these businesses operate.

Be warned: you will see, hear and learn things in this documentary that will shock and horrify. Before watching, make sure you are centred and calm. The video contains graphic material about raping and killing babies and young children. Be advised . . .

[Edit 9 February 2022]

Well, initially I chose not to embed the video, and just put a link to it. But maybe my warning was just too off-putting. It needs to be seen . . . So here it is: “The Eyes of the Devil” . . .

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The best of the friends I’ve been privileged to count as close (his name was Ed, see here) beguiled us all with his fierce intellect, immoderate wit, and a truly liberating command of the scatological.

Which makes it all the more surprising that I never came across Christopher Hitchens (“Hitch”) during his lifetime—a shortfall which I rue to this day.

Here was a man who lived by argument and debate. A voracious reader—who seemed never to forget a single thing he’d read—he travelled the world’s trouble-spots and interviewed the world’s change-makers, bringing a critical and independent (his words) mind to challenge all forms of settled belief with an almost otherworldly fluency and coherence.

He was also a prolific writer and broadcaster.

Just a few book titles will give you some idea: “No One Left to Lie To” (his indictment of Bill Clinton); “The Missionary Position” (ditto Mother Teresa—“. . . was not a friend of the poor . . . was a friend of poverty. . . . said that suffering was a gift from God . . . spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women . . . ”); “God Is Not Great” (subtitle “How Religion Poisons Everything”); “The Trial of Henry Kissinger”, and so on.

But Hitchens was not just a polemicist. He also authored biographies of men he admired (George Orwell, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine), and left us with essay collections on any number of topics. Plus a splendid memoir (“Hitch-22”—as good a place to start on his writings as any).

British-born, he moved to the USA in his early thirties, finally becoming a US citizen in 2007.

He died of cancer in 2011.

Seek him out, I urge you. For even if you disagree with his views, his manner of putting them across always delights, not to mention the wit and learning-lightly-worn.

You’ll find plenty of videos of him in full flight on YouTube. I’ve chosen one of the very last of these: an interview by Britain’s Jeremy Paxman shortly before Hitchens’ death.

Paxman was a famously abrasive interviewer (he once said his default mindset when interviewing politicians was “why is this lying bastard lying to me?”). But here he becomes almost (gasp!) deferential, as these two fine intellects range over career, beliefs, illness, and impending death.

Would that Christopher Hitchens were still alive today—his breadth of knowledge, his clear and incisive thinking, and the tangential slash* of his wisdom would be welcome—nay, essential—correctives to the madness that is our current world . . .

[ * So wish I’d coined this, but in fact I lifted it—if memory serves, from Frank Herbert’s “Dune.” q.v. ]

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