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Of their hands: social virtuosity

[Originally posted on Facebook 30 March 2020 ]

Let’s stay with the arts.

Tiffany Poon was born in Hong Kong in December 1996. Which makes her 23 [at the time of writing] and—if you buy into such categories—a Millennial. She started piano lessons at age four, made her concert debut at 10.

Her website ( lists a solo repertoire of 150+, from Bach through Liszt to Stravinsky, plus another 40+ concerto and chamber works.

So far so orthodox—there are any number of young and gifted musicians out there, all vying for competition recognition and scarce recital slots.

What sets Tiffany apart is her incorporation of social media into every aspect of her art.

As she puts it herself: “my mission is to inspire all generations, the old and the new, to appreciate classical music using social media. . . . With YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc, I can bridge that mysterious gap between classical music and the modern audience.”

This is most evident on her YouTube channel, where you’re as likely to see her choosing among Steinways for her New York apartment, or chatting to camera about her life and work, as to watch her preparations for performance and the performances themselves.

But oddly, it’s the videos of her practising that I enjoy most. Here you get to see the sheer hard graft and stamina that go into the maintenance of concert-levels of excellence.

Tiffany meticulously annotates it all in edit, overlaying her text comments onto the video, charting the practice process (“finding the right attack for the accent,” “too much rubato,” “needs more E♭”), where things are going wrong (“stop going to C♯” “bad landings,” “why, pinky, why?”) and when she makes them right (“solid now,” “so close, keep going,” “finally!”).

Quite apart from her almost impossibly stunning virtuosity, all this makes you feel you’re getting insights into the music itself.

And boy, do you get to hear some fabulous piano-playing along the way . . .

Tiffany’s YouTube channel here